
According to Eurofound, young people aged 15-20 or those Not in Education, Employment or Training are less interested in politics (only 28,7%), declare a disposition to vote and demonstrate a lower social participation than non-NEETs…


By stimulating young bloggers to assume the role of the Leader and to empower their peers at risk of social exclusion (mainly NEETs), YouthMythBusters aims at promoting the civic and political engagement of the latter…


The general objectives of YouthMythBusters are the following: Promoting engagement and participation in democratic and civic life of young people and those at risk of social exclusion (NEETs), Enhancing critical thinking and media literacy…


A training material for young  influencers (5 per country) will be developed on how to enable their peers (NEETs and other young vulnerable people)  to increase their civic and political engagement through media literacy and critical thinking…